Science and Technology of Poultry Seed Industry Team
2022-08-19 17:42 本网


  Science and Technology of Poultry Seed Industry Team

  Principal Investigator: Shu Dingming, Research Fellow / Ph.D.

  This team is formed by 13 talented fellows. They have been long focused on the collection and conservation of Chinese indigenous chickens and have bred 36 special lines and 9 synthetic lines. Noticeably, through the establishment and application of the pivotal and technological breeding system, especially in terms of tackling the breeding difficulties when the consumption demand shifts from live chickens to iced chickens, the synthetic line series of Lingnanhuang bred by this group reaches a 15% share of the Chinese market. Their championship in the 3rd Competition of Guangdong Agriculture Technological Innovation is a good example of this group’s excellence in yellow-feathered chicken breeding.